Fire Sprinklers

رشاشات حريق | fire sprinklers

fire sprinklers

Choose the Ideal Supplier for Fire Sprinklers

Rayde Company specializes in supplying sprinklers for fire fighting of various types that hold certifications from internationally recognized testing laboratories approved by civil defense authorities. These Fire Sprinklers comply with the general safety requirements for buildings and facilities, aiming to meet customer needs and minimize fire losses as much as possible.

fire sprinklers

Automatic fire fighting sprinkler systems work to fight fires when the temperature rises due to fire or smoke in residential and commercial buildings. This is done using a firefighting sprinkler that pressurizes water through sprinkler heads to cover the fire area and reduce the severity through water distribution pipes.

Types of sprinkler systems based on the shape of the deflector and the method of fire sprinkler system installation:

  1. Pendant fire sprinklers:
These fire sprinklers are suspended from the ceiling and work by spraying water downward and distributing it through a deflector cone. When suspended, the sprinkler head is visible on the ceiling.
  1. Upright fire sprinklers:
These fire sprinklers are installed on columns in car parks and on low-rise floors where there is no suspended ceiling. The sprinkler direction is initially upward and then flips downward.
  1. Sidewall sprinklers:
These are horizontal fire sprinklers placed on the wall when water pipes are not available on the ceiling. The water flow in these sprinklers is horizontal, and they provide a wider fire fighting sprinkler coverage area than traditional sprinklers.
  1. Fast-response sprinklers:
These fire fighting sprinkler systems are characterized by their ability to quickly identify and extinguish fires to minimize potential risks. They are commonly used in places that produce toxic and harmful gases that pose greater harm to humans.
  1. Semi-recessed sprinklers:
This type is used to maintain the aesthetic appearance and decor of the building. The fire sprinkler is concealed inside the ceiling, with only the upper part visible. During a fire, the cover drops and water is released downward.
  1. Open fire sprinklers:
This type of fire sprinkler design does not have heat sensors. When the sprinkler is opened, water flows down from the connected pipes.
  1. Recessed sprinklers:
These are completely hidden fire sprinklers in the ceiling or wall. Only their covers are visible, which automatically drop downward due to water pressure when a fire occurs.  

Types of Fire Sprinklers by System:

  1. Wet Pipe System:
One of the most common types of sprinkler in fire fighting systems, extensively used in residential buildings, releases cold water when the temperature rises due to smoke and fire, activating the sprinklers and flowing water onto the fire area.
  1. Dry Pipe System:
A firefighting sprinkler is used in places where the temperature drops below 4 degrees Celsius to prevent water from freezing inside the network. It takes longer to operate. The pipes connected to the water tank are filled with nitrogen gas, and the water is held back at the main valve. When the temperature exceeds 70 degrees Celsius, the gas leaks, the valve opens, and water flows through the sprinklers.
  1. Deluge Sprinkler System:
Used in high-rise buildings and warehouses where the risk of rapid fire spread is higher. The nozzle of the fire sprinkler is either open or connected to a piping network through a valve that is opened by the fire alarm system. Water flows directly to the sprinklers through the piping network.
  1. Pre-Action System:
These systems combine wet and dry pipes and respond quickly to fire incidents. They are widely used in offices and shopping centers. They include automatic fire protection sprinklers connected to a piping network containing compressed air, and water is not stored in the pipes until a fire is detected.  

Types of sprinkler systems by color:

  • Orange fire sprinklers operate at a temperature of 57 degrees Celsius.

  • Red fire sprinklers operate at a temperature of 68 degrees Celsius.

  • Yellow fire sprinklers operate at a temperature of 79 degrees Celsius.

  • Green fire sprinklers operate at a temperature of 93 degrees Celsius.

  • Blue sprinklers operate at a temperature of 141 degrees Celsius.

  • Dark blue fire sprinklers operate at a temperature of 182 degrees Celsius.

  • Black fire sprinklers operate at a temperature range of 54 to 260 degrees Celsius.


Types of sprinkler systems according to the NFPA 13 Installation Standard:

  1. Glass Bulb Type:
These firefighting sprinklers contain small glass bulbs of various colors based on temperature. The glass bulb holds back the water flow by closing the valve, and when a fire occurs, the gas expands, breaking the bulb and allowing water to flow quickly.
  1. Fusible Link Type:
These sprinklers for fire fighting have a fusible link and a solder joint that melt at temperatures ranging from 68 to 110 degrees Celsius, depending on the location. The melted link releases the water, which then flows towards the fire area.

The fire fighting sprinkler coverage area is:

The number of sprinklers for fire fighting and the distance between them are calculated based on the level of hazard and the rate of smoke spread. If the risk level increases, the distance between fire sprinklers decreases. Fire hazard levels:
  • Light hazard:
  • Fires resulting from burning paper, plastic, and wood, which are common in hospitals, schools, universities, and libraries.
  • Ordinary hazard:
  • Fires that occur in parking lots, bakeries, food factories, glass, and restaurants.
  • Fires that occur in chemical laboratories, metal and paper factories, wood, post offices, repair garages, and tire factories.
  • Extra hazards:
  • fires caused by flammable hydraulic oils, foundries, kitchens, rubber, and cotton factories.
  • Fires caused by compressed gas industries, cleaners and polishes, paints, and asphalt processing industries.

The fire fighting sprinkler coverage area and the distance between two firefighting sprinklers:

  • For light hazards, the area covered by a fire sprinkler is 17-21 m2, and the maximum distance between two sprinklers does not exceed 4.6 m2.
  • For ordinary hazards, the area covered by a fire sprinkler is 9-12 m2, and the maximum distance between two sprinklers does not exceed 4.6 m2.
  • For high hazards, the area covered by a fire sprinkler is 9 m2, and the maximum distance between two sprinklers does not exceed 3.7 m2.
To distribute fire safety sprinklers, the following points
  • must be considered:
  • fire sprinkler number.
  • fire fighting sprinkler coverage area.
  • The flow of water sprinkler for fire fighting.
  • The size of the water tank required to supply the
  • sprinkler system.
  • The size of the water pipes from the tank to the fire area.
  • Types of sprinkler in fire fighting systems based on their performance.

Why choose fire sprinklers from our company?

  1. Product Quality:

We supply and install high-quality fire sprinklers that are installed in ceilings and side walls to automatically discharge water when the temperature rises, to control and suppress fires.

  1. Cost-effectiveness:

We provide fire sprinklers that have a 99% control rate and use less water than fire hoses. They also require minimal maintenance, resulting in lower costs.

  1. Technical Support:

Customer satisfaction is our priority. We strive to respond to all your inquiries and questions around the clock and in the shortest possible time to serve you and meet your requirements.

  1. Suitable Designs:

We offer fire safety sprinklers with suitable and diverse designs that fit the designs and decorations of all buildings, in line with the customer’s needs.

  1. International Specifications:

All our products comply with international specifications and standards, as well as the requirements of the Saudi Civil Defense. They are characterized by their density, thickness, and fire insulation.

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Rayde for Fire Protection Engineering Consultations is a certified company by Civil Defense and several government entities. It works on finding integrated, effective, and innovative engineering solutions and establishing strategic partnerships for fire protection and prevention.

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